Friday, April 15, 2016

This week in Library

What a fun week in Library! It may have been short, but we packed in the fun.

We celebrated Beverly Cleary's 100th birthday in our Kinder, 1st, and 2nd grade classes. In Ramona the Pest, Ramona discovers how cool her Q looks with whiskers, ears and a tail. Students used letters from their own name to create an animal. Such great imaginations! Giraffes, alligators, dinosaurs, and more!

In Maker Space this month we are making button spinners. Students are learning patience as they try to figure out the rhythm to keep them going! Luckily, our resident expert, Sam, is willing to help!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Reading is My Super Power!!

Reading is My Super Power!

We are so excited to introduce our 2016 Reading Incentive Program: Reading is My Super Power!

Our Reading Incentive Program will run from Monday, April 18, 2016 through Sunday, May 15, 2016.  Students (K-5) have the chance to earn a small prize each week, as well as celebrate our successes in our library classes.  6th-8th will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Powell's Gift Card. 

This is how the program will work:
Ø  Students track their reading minutes on a weekly record.  Each week’s record is attached to this letter, but should only be returned on its corresponding week on Monday.
Ø  Students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade should read 20 minutes each day, 3rd, 4th, and 5th should read 30 minutes each day, and grades 6-8 should be reading 45 minutes each day. The goal is to read daily. Extra reading time can be listed next to the corresponding date box, so I can congratulate them on their commitment to reading.
Ø  When all boxes have been marked (dated, “x” out, colored in, or whatever method you decide to use) and the record is signed by a parent/caregiver, the reading record is turned in to their classroom teacher or directly to the library.  Records are due on Mondays (May 16 for 6th-8th).
Ø  Awards will be distributed to students who have completed a record for that week during their library class. 
Ø  The program will run for a total of four weeks, giving students four opportunities to turn in reading records. (Once on May 16 for 6th-8th)
Ø  The last Monday to turn in reading records will be May 16, 2016.

As always, reading aloud to your child counts towards their goal of reading minutes. J  If you have any questions, please contact me at or 503-621-3426.

Happy Reading!

Ms. Terra

Lost your reading trackers?
Access them here: