Thursday, April 14, 2016

Reading is My Super Power!!

Reading is My Super Power!

We are so excited to introduce our 2016 Reading Incentive Program: Reading is My Super Power!

Our Reading Incentive Program will run from Monday, April 18, 2016 through Sunday, May 15, 2016.  Students (K-5) have the chance to earn a small prize each week, as well as celebrate our successes in our library classes.  6th-8th will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Powell's Gift Card. 

This is how the program will work:
Ø  Students track their reading minutes on a weekly record.  Each week’s record is attached to this letter, but should only be returned on its corresponding week on Monday.
Ø  Students in Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade should read 20 minutes each day, 3rd, 4th, and 5th should read 30 minutes each day, and grades 6-8 should be reading 45 minutes each day. The goal is to read daily. Extra reading time can be listed next to the corresponding date box, so I can congratulate them on their commitment to reading.
Ø  When all boxes have been marked (dated, “x” out, colored in, or whatever method you decide to use) and the record is signed by a parent/caregiver, the reading record is turned in to their classroom teacher or directly to the library.  Records are due on Mondays (May 16 for 6th-8th).
Ø  Awards will be distributed to students who have completed a record for that week during their library class. 
Ø  The program will run for a total of four weeks, giving students four opportunities to turn in reading records. (Once on May 16 for 6th-8th)
Ø  The last Monday to turn in reading records will be May 16, 2016.

As always, reading aloud to your child counts towards their goal of reading minutes. J  If you have any questions, please contact me at or 503-621-3426.

Happy Reading!

Ms. Terra

Lost your reading trackers?
Access them here:

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